Search FAQ How can cities balance the need to move with urgency while also ensuring that awarded funds are allocated in a manner that ensure the greatest level of flexibility with respect to spending? FAQ When calculating loss, should we include “gross earnings tax” also called “utility tax”? News Leadership in the digital age News What a Helsinki competition can teach all idea-seeking cities News How DC Water’s George Hawkins made sewage sexy FAQ When should a municipality calculate revenue loss and how does that calculation impact the ability to use ARP funds? FAQ What steps can a municipality take to increase participation and expedite spending of rental assistance funds? FAQ Is assistance with community college, college tuition or other higher education challenges an eligible use of ARP funds? FAQ How can cities maximize the chances that programs created as a result of recovery funding continue to be sustainable after the end of their funding? FAQ How does ARP funding correlate with duplication of benefits requirements in FEMA PA funding? For example, can we use FEMA PA funding for vaccinations if it is also an eligible use for other ARP funding streams? Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 … Next page Next › Last page Last »