How Do I...Identify funding opportunities in the IIJA?

A curated list of Questions & Answers to help cities identify funding opportunities in the IIJA.

Federal Funding Streams, Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

Is IIJA funding available to train and prepare the workforce necessary for IIJA projects?

Federal Funding Streams, Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, American Rescue Plan Act, CARES Act, FEMA, HUD, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

Are there reporting requirements associated with the transportation infrastructure funding?

Federal Funding Streams, Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, American Rescue Plan Act, CARES Act, FEMA, HUD, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

Are there good practices to mitigate the risk of fraud, waste, and abuse on infrastructure projects?

Federal Funding Streams, Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

What are the competitive grant opportunities available to municipalities for transportation infrastructure?

Federal Funding Streams, Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

What are the sources from which recipients can gain funding for transportation infrastructure?

Federal Funding Streams, Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

Are there good practices for cities to follow when submitting grant applications for transportation infrastructure funding?

Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

What types of broadband improvement projects are potentially eligible for ARP funding?

Infrastructure & Maintenance Investments, American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act

Are upgrades to network fiber and cybersecurity infrastructure eligible uses of ARP funds?