Federal Assistance e311 Knowledge Base

Our team of experts has already answered over 300 questions from cities across the country—about the streams of federal funding available to support your city’s COVID recovery, best-in-class strategies and practices for accessing and spending it, technical requirements for compliance, and more. Browse the questions and answers, or search for a topic or keyword to get straight to the information your city needs.




Fund Planning & Allocation, Lost Revenue & Revenue Replacement, American Rescue Plan Act, CSLFRF

May a municipality use ARP funds to establish a revolving loan fund?

Community Engagement & Local Partnerships, Federal Funding Streams, Lost Revenue & Revenue Replacement, American Rescue Plan Act

Can a municipality award SLFRF funds to a nonprofit to support the municipality’s elections administration expenses such as staffing costs, technology expenses, public awareness campaigns, etc.?

Lost Revenue & Revenue Replacement, American Rescue Plan Act, CARES Act, FEMA

Can a municipality deduct federal aid (e.g., FEMA funds) for COVID relief from revenue totals in 2020?


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