Strategies for spreading AI throughout local government
From Bogotá to Boise, cities' applications of artificial intelligence grow more ambitious by the day. And that's not only because the technology is advancing so quickly. It's also because city leaders are staying in pace with that change—by taking steps to familiarize their whole organizations with the benefits of generative AI, to provide basic guidance and ground rules around its use, and to set up cross-cutting networks and collaboration to guide its citywide implementation. From using AI to improve core government functions visible to every city employee to embedding networks of experts across agencies to forming cross-sectoral partnerships, here's how leaders are laying the groundwork for AI experiments to truly deliver.
Resources for City Innovators
Storytelling brought this city together to secure a resilient future
When a crisis strikes a community, it's often immediately clear to residents and local leaders alike that they need to come together to take action. But sometimes, challenges further out on the horizon call for a decisive response without offering the same clarity. That's why Boise, Idaho, has used storytelling to generate a sense of shared purpose and urgency around a complicated project that can feel removed from residents' day-to-day lives: creating water-renewal capacity.